Finding the perfect ring size


Buying a ring as a surprise…

and knowing the exact ring size of your loved one can be very challenging.

The most common ring size for women is 6 to 7, and the average ring size for men is 9 to 10. If you aren’t sure and you have no other way to check we would recommend choosing one of these sizes. If you are between two sizes we would always advise ordering a ring a little too big rather than a little too small. Of course if you don’t get the ring size right we offer complimentary ring sizing


To further complicate matters; each of your fingers will be a different size, so while you may be one size on your ring finger on your right hand, your ring finger on your left hand will be different. The fingers on the hand you write with will tend to be larger as your muscles are more developed.

Cold weather can cause your fingers to become slimmer, whilst heat or water retention can cause your fingers to swell. It’s best to measure your fingers in the early evening for the most accurate size.

The ring should fit your ring finger comfortably: snug enough so it won’t slip off, but loose enough you can wiggle it over your knuckle when you need to.


Here are some hints for how to find the right size if you can’t make it to a jewellers to get your fingers measured by a professional;

  • ‘Borrow’ a ring that your loved one wears on their ring finger or a similar sized finger and bring it to one of our retailers or a local jeweller.

  • Trace the inside of a ring they wear on a similar finger on a piece of paper and bring it to one of our retailers or a local jeweller.

  • Ask one of their closest friends. Friends might have this insight, and if they don’t know, they can be the one to ask.

Most importantly, remember that no one truly minds if a ring isn’t a perfect fit, they are just overjoyed you were so thoughtful. Most rings can be resized at any point if it’s required.


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